The Houston/Galveston Metropolitan Area Reported the Highest Employer Demand this Month

For the month of November 2020 employers in the Houston/Galveston metropolitan area posted the highest number of new job openings in the state of Texas. In the last month, there have been 58178 job postings in the Houston/Galveston metropolitian area. Dallas/Fort Worth reported the second highest number of job openings in Texas, with 55418 job postings this month.

In the Houston/Galveston area, Registered Nurses were the most widely sought after positions by prospective employers, with a total of 2359 job positings this month. The other job positions that experienced the highest demand this month in the Houston/Galveston area were Retail Salespersons with 2002 job postings, and Sales Reps, Exc Tech/Sci Product with 2284 openings.

The Houston/Galveston Metropolitan Area Reported the Highest Employer Demand this Month

For the month of October 2020 employers in the Houston/Galveston metropolitan area posted the highest number of new job openings in the state of Texas. In the last month, there have been 61579 job postings in the Houston/Galveston metropolitian area. Dallas/Fort Worth reported the second highest number of job openings in Texas, with 57521 job postings this month.

In the Houston/Galveston area, Registered Nurses were the most widely sought after positions by prospective employers, with a total of 2152 job positings this month. The other job positions that experienced the highest demand this month in the Houston/Galveston area were Retail Salespersons with 2160 job postings, and Sales Reps, Exc Tech/Sci Product with 2610 openings.

The Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolitan Area Reported the Highest Employer Demand this Month

For the month of September 2020 employers in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area posted the highest number of new job openings in the state of Texas. In the last month, there have been 51592 job postings in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitian area. Houston/Galveston reported the second highest number of job openings in Texas, with 52594 job postings this month.

In the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Software Developers, Application were the most widely sought after positions by prospective employers, with a total of 2457 job positings this month. The other job positions that experienced the highest demand this month in the Dallas/Fort Worth area were Computer Occupations, All Other with 1927 job postings, and Sales Reps, Exc Tech/Sci Product with 2147 openings.

The Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolitan Area Reported the Highest Employer Demand this Month

For the month of July 2020 employers in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area posted the highest number of new job openings in the state of Texas. In the last month, there have been 40419 job postings in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitian area. Houston/Galveston reported the second highest number of job openings in Texas, with 37786 job postings this month.

In the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Software Developers, Application were the most widely sought after positions by prospective employers, with a total of 2298 job positings this month. The other job positions that experienced the highest demand this month in the Dallas/Fort Worth area were Computer Occupations, All Other with 1559 job postings, and Sales Reps, Exc Tech/Sci Product with 1718 openings.

The Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolitan Area Reported the Highest Employer Demand this Month

For the month of June 2020 employers in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area posted the highest number of new job openings in the state of Texas. In the last month, there have been 46679 job postings in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitian area. Houston/Galveston reported the second highest number of job openings in Texas, with 45376 job postings this month.

In the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Software Developers, Application were the most widely sought after positions by prospective employers, with a total of 2786 job positings this month. The other job positions that experienced the highest demand this month in the Dallas/Fort Worth area were Computer Occupations, All Other with 2039 job postings, and Sales Reps, Exc Tech/Sci Product with 1929 openings.

Economics and Statistics Experts in Wage and Hour Litigation

Complex wage and hour litigation often involves significant data management and sophisticated analyses in order to assess potential liability and damages. This article highlights common wage and hour data management issues, sampling and surveying, as well as provides a case study as an example of the use of sampling in an overtime misclassification case.

Download Dr. Dwight Steward and Matt Rigling’s paper on wage and hour expert economists here!

Economics and Statistics Experts in Wage and Hour Litigation

Back Pay and Front Pay Calculations in Employment Termination Cases

Most plaintiffs in employment termination cases will ultimately become re-employed. This article discusses the factors that comprise a standard economic damage model in an employment termination case.

Download Dr. Dwight Steward’s paper on Back Pay and Front Pay Calculations in Employment Termination Cases here!

Back Pay and Front Pay Calculations in Employment Termination Cases

EmployStats Gives Back

On Thursday September 12th, the EmployStats team will be sponsoring the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area Club Classic – UT Legends.  The event will be hosted at Top Golf Austin, with special guest University of Texas Alumni and NFL star Jamaal Charles. Team members Matt Rigling, Carl McClain, and Susie Wirtanen will be teeing off in support of the Boys & Girls Clubs.  Dr. Dwight Steward serves as a board member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area, as part of EmployStats’ mission to give back to the local Austin community. It should be a wonderful event for an even better cause! We hope to see y’all there!



Sampling in Wage and Hour Cases

Often in wage and hour cases, attorneys are faced with the decision of analyzing the complete time and payroll records for a class population, or analyzing just a sample of the population’s records.  While in an ideal world, analyzing the full population of data is the best approach, it may not always be feasible to do so.

For instance, some of the individuals within the class may be missing records due to poor data management, or perhaps both sides agree that the analysis of the full population may be too costly or time consuming.  In these cases, the attorneys can elect to have an expert randomly select a random sample from the full population to perform a reliable and statistically significant random sample.

Below are some common terms related that attorney’s can expect to hear when discussing sampling in their wage and hour cases:

Random Sampling, n. sampling in which every individual has a known probability of being selected.

Sample, n. a set of individuals or items drawn from a parent population.

Sample Size, n. the number of individuals or items in a sample.

Simple Random Sampling, n. sampling in which every individual has an equal probability of being selected and each selection is independent of the others.

Discussion: This very common statistical routine is analogous to ‘pulling a name out of a hat’.

Stratified Sampling, n. a method of statistical sampling that draws sub-samples from different sections, or strata, of the overall data population.

Discussion: Stratified sampling routines are used in employment settings when there are important differences between different groups of employees being surveyed. For example, in a survey of off-the-clock work, workers at different locations, and with different supervisors, may have different work cultures that make them more (or less) likely than other workers to have worked during their lunch period. In this instance, a stratified sampling routine may be used to account for those differences.


Big Data CLE in Baltimore, MD

On April 5, 2019, Dr. Dwight Steward, Ph.D. will be speaking alongside Robert Cavazos, Ph.D., Kyle Cheek, Ph.D., and Vince McKnight.  The experts and attorney will be presenting together on a panel at the EmployStats sponsored CLE seminar, titled Data Analytics in Complex Litigation.  The seminar will take place at the University of Baltimore in the Merrick School of Business, and will run from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM.


The speakers will cover a spectrum of issues on Big Data Analytics, and its use in legal applications.  Specifically, the general session of the CLE will provide an overview of data analytics in a legal context, discussing the various aspects of how to manage large data sets in complex litigation settings.  Attendees will then be able to choose between two breakout sessions, Data Analytics in Litigation and Healthcare Litigation.  Lunch will be included.


To find out more on the upcoming CLE, visit:

Also, make sure to follow our blog and stay up to date with Employstats news and sponsored events!