Our very own Research Associate Proma Paromita recently participated in an online training course for Stata. Stata is an integrated statistical software package that provides services for data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and automated reporting.

Here at EmployStats our researchers are always working with huge data sets that need to be analyzed and formatted. This course provided Proma with a better understanding of Stata programming and insight on how to more efficiently dissect large quantities of data.

In a sit-down interview Proma discussed her experience and general layout of the course. She explained the scaffolding of course content beginning with the basics and increasing with complexity as the course continued. Proma described the course as concise with practical examples resulting in a perfect tool to utilize for future Stata programming. Stata offers many resources on its website and YouTube channel to help individuals navigate challenges by accessing helpful information.

As a takeaway from the course Proma believes understanding the syntax is more beneficial than memorizing it. Additionally, she stressed it is essential to understand the data that you are working with in order to produce tangible results.

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