Total number of workers in U.S. workforce then, now and the future







Hottest Occupational Groups

2012-22 Growth

Three hot jobs for the next decade

  1. Personal Care Aides
  2. Medical Secretaries
  3. Registered Nurses



Title Page -2013 Back Pay and Front Pay CalculationsThat is a central question in many wrongful employment termination lawsuits.  The plaintiff’s back and front pay earnings claims revolve around the answer to this question.  The length of an individual’s job search time depends on a number of factors.  These factors include the individual’s work background, type of job, number of other qualified job searchers, and geographical area.  The individual’s job search methods and efforts are also important factors.

In our work we study these types of job search factors in conjunction with the number of job searchers and employer demand for the relevant job position.

We have studied the labor market conditions for many job positions.  In recent analyses we have studied the labor market for accountants, network computer administrators, and operations managers.  The number of statewide job openings and searchers per job openings is shown in the table below.  Searchers per job openings ratios that are less than 1.0 indicate that there are more job openings than job searchers for the particular job.  Job searcher per job openings ratios greater than 1.0 indicate that there are more job searchers than job openings for the particular job..



Number of job openings (Labor demand by employers): Based on the distribution of specific job openings in an industry, city and occupational classification.  Data sources include U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics databases:  JOLT, CPS, and LAUS.

Number of job searchers (Labor supply by individuals): Based on geographical area(s) labor force, percentage of the labor force in each occupation, unemployment rate, and an unemployment rate adjustment factor associated with the occupation.  Data sources include U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics databases:  JOLT, CPS, and LAUS.

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