
The oil and gas extraction industry in Texas gained 600 jobs from November 2014 to December 2014. Compared to December 2013, the cumulative number of jobs added in this industry is 5,600, an increase of 5.2%.

Source: http://www.tracer2.com/admin/uploadedPublications/2127_TLMR-January_15.pdf

Image Source: http://www.eliteexploration.com/texas-oil-gas-companies/


The oil and gas extraction industry in Texas gained 600 jobs from November 2014 to December 2014. Compared to December 2013, the cumulative number of jobs added in this industry is 5,600, an increase of 5.2%.

Source: http://www.tracer2.com/admin/uploadedPublications/2127_TLMR-January_15.pdf

Image Source: http://www.eliteexploration.com/texas-oil-gas-companies/


The health care and social assistance industry gained 11,400 jobs from September 2014 to October 2014. Compared to October 2013, the cumulative number of jobs added in this industry is 47,300, an annual increase of 3.6%.

Source: http://www.tracer2.com/admin/uploadedPublications/2121_TLMR-November_14.pdf

Image source: http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2012/01/06/health-care-sector-adds-jobs-as-overall-employment-picture-looks-healthier/


The oil and gas extraction industry in Texas gained 300 jobs from September 2014 to October 2014. Compared to October 2013, the cumulative number of jobs added in this industry is 8,200, an increase of 7.8%.

Source: http://www.tracer2.com/admin/uploadedPublications/2121_TLMR-November_14.pdf

Image Source: http://www.eliteexploration.com/texas-oil-gas-companies/


The health care and social assistance industry gained 8,100 jobs from August 2014 to September 2014. Compared to September 2013, the cumulative number of jobs added in this industry is 43,600, an annual increase of 3.3%.

Source: http://www.tracer2.com/admin/uploadedPublications/2120_TLMR-October_14.pdf

Image source: http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2012/01/06/health-care-sector-adds-jobs-as-overall-employment-picture-looks-healthier/


The health care and social assistance industry gained 10,900 jobs from July 2014 to August 2014. Compared to August 2013, the cumulative number of jobs added in this industry is 33,200, an annual increase of 2.5%.

Source: Tracer

Image source: http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2012/01/06/health-care-sector-adds-jobs-as-overall-employment-picture-looks-healthier/