Another economic bright spot: People can pay their mortgages as delinquency data shows a drop in late payments

Data released by the credit giant TransUnion indicates that :

The mortgage delinquency rate (the rate of borrowers 60 days or more delinquent on their mortgages) dropped below 4% for the first time since 2008, ending Q4 2013 at 3.85%.

The mortgage delinquency rate declined for the eighth consecutive quarter from 4.09% in Q3 2013 while dropping more than 24% from one year earlier (5.08% in Q4 2012).


The study also found:

  • Florida, NJ continued to have a higher mortgage delinquency rate at 8.18% and 7.60%
  • Nevada saw the rate of delinquencies fall by over a third (9.98% to 6.52%)