Household services for males and females living in Mexico

Everyone knows that people do more than work for pay.  In an injury or death case, it is common for plaintiffs to assert that they have been economically harmed because the  injured or deceased person can no longer provide household services.  Household services include activities such as mowing the lawn, taking care of the household, etc.

Below are some rough tabulations for the number of households services (in hours) performed for males and females residing in Mexico. The data is obtained from the Mexican Time Use Survey.  Generally females spend substantially more time on household production activities.

For males:

inside_hwork 1.27
foodprep 2.95
petandhome 1.58
hhmanagement 1.08
shopping 1.18
obtain_services 0.05
travel_hhactivity 0.05

For females:


inside_hwork 12.91
foodprep 14.68
petandhome 1.55
hhmanagement 1.2
shopping 2.12
obtain_services 0.09
travel_hhactivity 0.17


Published by

Dwight Steward, Ph.D.

Dr. Steward regularly writes and speaks on topics involving business and individual economic damages, employment audits, and the analysis of payroll and time data in wage and hour investigations. Dr. Steward has also held teaching positions at The University of Texas-Austin in the Department of Economics and in the Red McCombs School of Business, The College of Business at Sam Houston State University, and at The University of Iowa. He has taught numerous courses in statistics, corporate finance, labor economics, business policies, managerial economics, and microeconomics.