Texas Nurses, Therapists, and Physician Assistants See Increase in both Job Openings and Searchers per Job Opening from April 2014 to May 2014


The number of job openings and searcher-to-job opening ratio in Texas for nurses, therapists, and physician assistants increased from 9,292 and 0.95, respectively, in April 2014 to 9,612 and 1.09, respectively, in May 2014.

Image Source: http://www.carrollhs.org/s/1253/index.aspx?pgid=877

Job Openings in Texas for Petroleum Engineers, Technicians, and Personnel Decreased from April 2014 to May 2014

petroleum engineerThe number of job openings in Texas for “petroleum engineers” and “geological and petroleum technicians” decreased from 672 in April 2014 to 640 in May 2014, while the searcher-to-job opening ratio increased from 0.74 to 0.90 in the same span.

The number of job openings in Texas for “derrick operators” and “roustabouts” decreased from 294 in April 2014 to 283 in May 2014, while the searcher-to-job opening ratio increased from 2.54 to 2.63 in the same span.









Image source: http://wonderfulengineering.com/what-is-petroleum-engineering/.

Texas Job Openings by Major Occupational Group

Texas May 2014

Total number of job openings and median searcher-to-job ratio across all MSAs (metropolitan statistical areas) for each major occupational group in Texas in May 2014.

occupation openings s2jratio
Management, business, and financial occupations 53053 0.8
Professional and related occupations 77452 0.8
Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations 16964 1.14
Office and administrative support occupations 51305 1.15
Service occupations 61732 1.51
Sales and related occupations 27126 1.79
Transportation and material moving occupations 18312 1.99
Production occupations 20093 2.72
Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 872 3.61
Construction and extraction occupations 15892 4.46

Texas oil boom continues as Australian oil and gas exploration successfully drills in Eagle Ford area

According to a company press release, New Standard Energy Limited announced that it reached target depth at its second well in the Eagle Ford shale the Peeler Ranch-6H well.

The company stated that the they completed the wells within expected time and budget forecasts.  According to the company, the two wells were drilled in parallel lateral lengths, targeting the same Eagle Ford hydrocarbon bearing zone to maximize production and minimize associated drilling, hydraulic fracturing and production tie-in costs.

The company will shift operational focus to fracture stimulation in April.
The company anticipates stimulating both wells together using the
“zipper frac” method.  The zipper frac method alternates fracture stages between the two wells, and causes an incremental increase in fracture interaction, leading to better recovery.

More on zipper frac method: