Top 3 occupations with the most new job openings in California for August

The top three occupations with the most new job openings in California for the month of August were grounds maintenance workers with 3,366 new openings, cashiers with 3,643 new openings, and managers, all other with 3,687 new openings.

August 2014

Month Occupation Total_Openings New_Openings
Aug-14 Grounds maintenance workers 6,868 3,366
Aug-14 Cashiers 9,288 3,643
Aug-14 Managers, all other 9,939 3,687

Source: BLS

California and Texas both saw decrease in job openings in August 2014


California experienced a decrease of 3,814 job openings from July 2014 to August 2014, a 0.67% monthly decrease.

Month Total_Openings Monthly_Change Yearly_Change
Aug-14 566,834 -0.67% 27.78%
Jul-14 570,648 6.01% 27.68%
Jun-14 538,310 0.55% 16.09%
May-14 535,368 -5.24% 20.85%
Apr-14 565,001 23.20% 26.68%
Mar-14 458,591 2.14% -2.59%
Feb-14 448,997 -4.13% 0.79%
Jan-14 468,361 20.57% 11.64%
Dec-13 388,443 -5.47% -9.36%
Nov-13 410,918 -14.15% 16.93%
Oct-13 478,665 7.91% 24.94%
Sep-13 443,593 -0.75% 0.01%


Texas experienced a decrease of 4,548 job openings from July 2014 to August 2014, a 1.23% monthly decrease.

Month Total_Openings Monthly_Change Yearly_Change
Aug-14 364,236 -1.23% 27.59%
Jul-14 368,784 7.36% 28.75%
Jun-14 343,517 0.21% 14.99%
May-14 342,800 -5.20% 20.03%
Apr-14 361,597 22.06% 25.80%
Mar-14 296,241 3.08% -1.95%
Feb-14 287,386 -5.31% 1.30%
Jan-14 303,498 20.51% 12.47%
Dec-13 251,841 -4.38% -8.61%
Nov-13 263,377 -14.41% 16.67%
Oct-13 307,730 7.80% 25.44%
Sep-13 285,468 -0.34% 0.57%

Source: BLS

Working with large data sets: The new CMS medial records files

The new data files released by the CMS regarding the payments made to U.S. medical doctors by drug and medical device manufacturers contains a treasure trove of information.  However, the large size of the data will limit the use and the nuggets that can mined for some.

Using the statistical program STATA,  which is generally one of the fastest and most efficient ways to handle large data sets, required an allocation of 6G of RAM memory to just read in the program. STATA is efficient at handling large wage and hour, employment, and business data sets (like ones with many daily prices)

The table below shows what STATA required in terms of memory to be able to read the data:
Current memory allocation

current                                 memory usage
settable          value     description                 (1M = 1024k)
set maxvar         5000     max. variables allowed           1.947M
set memory         6144M    max. data space              6,144.000M
set matsize         400     max. RHS vars in models          1.254M





VA wait times are out of line but not that out of line with other types of hospitals

Overall, across established and new patients, VA wait times are actually not that out of line with other types of hospitals.

Highlights from the June 2014 VA wait time data,

Average VA wait time across hospitals and specialities: 22.78 days.

96% of VA patients have a wait time of 30 days or less to see a physician (significantly less for established patients (most less than 4 days))

Nearly 85% of 141 VA hospitals in the data have wait times less than 30 days

Longer wait times are concentrated in 15 out of 141 VA hospitals

In comparison, Merrit Hawkins 2014 study on hospital wait times for non-VA hospitals finds:

– Finds 18.5 day avg. wait times for all medical specialties, which is about 4 days shorter than wait times at VA hospitals

– Wait times vary significantly by location




Top 3 occupations with the most new job openings in Texas for August

The top three occupations with the most new job openings in Texas for the month of August were elementary and middle school teachers with 221.93 new openings, waiters and waitresses with 230.08 new openings, and cooks with 236.90 new openings.

August 2014

Date Occupation Total_Openings New_Openings
Aug-14 Elementary and middle school teachers 3,594.52 221.93
Aug-14 Waiters and waitresses 4,610.36 230.08
Aug-14 Cooks 4,963.26 236.90

Source: BLS

Really long wait times at VA hospitals for established and new patients are concentrated at a few hospitals

Another preliminary finding from our research on VA wait times suggest that really long wait times at VA hospitals are concentrated at a few VA hospitals.  A significant amount of Vets (about 20%) are found at these hospitals with long wait times.

The graph below presents a histogram of VA wait times for Vets waiting more than 90 days for a new appoint

Histogramofwait times


California RN’s, PA’s, and therapists see increase in job openings from July 2014 to August 2014


The number of job openings in California for nurses, therapists, and physician assistants increased from 16,429 in July 2014 to 16,994 in August 2014. The searcher-to-job opening ratio decreased from 2.10 to 1.90 in the same span.


Source: BLS

Image source:

Examining the distribution of industry payments made to medical doctors

The Center for Medical and Medicaid Services (CMS) new Open Payments database shows the consulting fees, research grants, travel and other reimbursements made to medical industry in 2013

There are 2,619,700 payments in the CMS data made to 356,190 physicians.   The average payment made to physicians was $255.22.   The median payment was $15.52

Table 1: Summary of Payments – STATA  output



The physicians received an average total  of $1,877.11 in payments.  The median total payment for the 356,190 physicians in the data was $94.15

Table 2: Summary of Payments – STATA  output



Below is the STATA code for the results:
count gen
bysort phy: gen hj =_n
bysort physician_p: gen hj =_n
sum hj, det
count if hj==1
sum tot, det
bysort physician_p: egen hj2 = tot(total)
bysort physician_p: egen hj2 = total(total_am)
sum hj2
sum hj2, det
sort physcian_p
sort physician_p
sum hj2 if _n==1, det
sum hj, det
sum hj2 if hj==1, det

California innovation job openings decreased from July 2014 to August 2014


The number of job openings in California for “Innovation Type Jobs” decreased from 25,143 in July 2014 to 24,132 in August 2014. The searcher-to-job opening ratio also decreased from 1.09 to 1.06 in the same span.

Innovation jobs definition:


Image source: